
Creating a Study Space

A functional study space is key to staying productive. As most courses have shifted to an online format, it is even more important for students to create an effective study space at home. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. If you can, use an ergonomic desk and chair: you’ll be spending a lot of time with them.

  2. Decorate your space and light it properly: it’s easier to work when your surroundings are visually appealing.

  3. Eliminate distractions: don’t study in your gaming/viewing area if you can help it. Our brains learn to associate spaces with the activities that take place in them. A study space should only be for studying.

  4. Gather materials: anticipate the supplies you will need when you work. This includes pencils, pens, chargers, folders, and sticky notes.

Organizing Documents

Both your physical and electronic materials should be kept tidy. On your computer, this means formatting files in a consistent, recognizable, and accessible way. Use folders and binders to keep class materials separate; do not throw them all in one heap.

Read more about tips on organizing your inbox in Gmail

Watch a video for a simple tutorial on organizing your Google Drive