
The University of Prince Edward Island is committed to incorporating health and safety practices governing all personnel working with biohazardous materials in research, teaching, and service activities at UPEI. Please see the UPEI Biosafety Policy for further information. 

The UPEI biosafety program is designed to protect laboratory staff and the public from exposure to infectious agents and to prevent the release of such agents that could be harmful to animals, plants, and the environment. It includes training, annual laboratory inspections, biosafety permitting process, and inventory requirements, as well as many other components.

For a more detailed description of the biosafety program at UPEI, please see the UPEI Biosafety Program Standard.

The University, through the Vice-President Academic and Research, has appointed an Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) which, in conjunction with the UPEI Biosafety Officer, administers the Biosafety Program at the University.  


Rhoda Jean Speare
Biosafety Officer
Kelley Memorial Building, 117A

Biosafety permit application process

All work with RG1 and RG2 biohazardous materials must have a biosafety permit in place before the work is initiated. This includes work with infixed animal or human blood, tissues, cells, and bodily fluids as well as genetically modified micro-organisms, animals, and plants.

Applications must be received by the Research Services Office by the last Friday of the month in order to be considered for review at the IBC meeting the following month. These meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month.

To find application, amendment, and biosafety resume forms, please go to the Research Services forms page.


Training in biosafety and biosecurity is required to work in a CL2 laboratory on campus and is highly recommended for all laboratory staff in CL1 labs. Classroom training is offered once each semester. Two sessions are provided – a basic course for anyone who has not attended UPEI biosafety training previously (as well as all AVC graduate students) and a refresher course, for those who have attended the basic one. Refresher training is required every three years. 

Bloodborne pathogen training is offered on an as-needed basis. Please contact the BSO if you plan to work with bloodborne pathogens or human blood or blood products, other human body fluids, tissues, or primary cell culture.

Other training courses that may be required for biosafety include respirator training and fit testing, first aid training, and training in Transportation of Dangerous Goods. These courses are arranged through the HSE Department. For further information please email

Principal Investigators must ensure their laboratory personnel has completed both biosafety training and laboratory-specific training. Use the Biosafety Laboratory Worker Orientation form to facilitate documentation of the latter.

All CL2 labs must complete and document annual training reviews to ensure all workers are up to date on all training requirements for work in that lab.


All BHM must be entered into the UPEI BHM Inventory. To obtain secure access, please contact the BSO.

Transfer of biohazardous material

The BSO must be informed prior to the import, export, purchase, or transfer of all biohazardous material. A Biohazardous Agent Transfer Notification form must be completed and approved by the BSO before biohazardous agents are sent, received, or transferred.  

Decommissioning of laboratory space  

When vacating a CL2 laboratory, the PI is responsible for leaving the lab in a condition that is safe for the next occupant or for contractors, if the lab is to be renovated. This process is documented through the completion of a decommissioning form and must be approved by the IBC before considered complete. Consult the Decommissioning Checklist.

Decommissioning of equipment 

Equipment in CL2 labs that may be contaminated must be decontaminated before removal from the space. To ensure the safety of others, a pink decommissioning tag must be completed and attached to the item. One copy of the triplicate form is to be returned to the BSO. Forms may be obtained from the BSO or from Biomedical Engineering, AVC.

Biosafety SOP Templates

Please contact the BSO for templates that you can individualize for the biosafety manual in your laboratory.

UPEI Biosafety Links

Laboratory Standards, Guides, and Resources

Other resources

Please refer to the Health, Safety, and Environment SharePoint site for more information.