Grammar Refresher

Cost: $599 including tax

Want to write with more confidence, precision, and clarity? The online Grammar Refresher Course is designed to help you improve your written communication skills. Whatever your profession or your career goals, this course will provide practical know-how to help you recognize common writing errors – and correct them.

This online course is set up to accommodate your busy schedule and will be offered over five weeks via a series of interactive videos and synchronous meetings with the instructor. Various practice exercises will also help you to sharpen key writing skills, including how to correct issues with subject-verb agreement and parallelism; use modifiers and modifying clauses accurately; watch for wordiness and diction (word choice) problems; and punctuate properly. You’ll also learn tips and tricks for editing your work.

Upon successful completion of the course material and all assignments, submitted on time to your facilitator, you will receive a digital badge and will have the beginnings of a portfolio of your work. 

Cost: $599 including tax

Delivery: this course is virtual and can be completed independently on your own time, over 5 sessions and course material will be released weekly each Monday

Assessment: you are expected to complete all assignments for this course by their due date and although you will not receive a formal grade, the digital badge is awarded only to those who complete the material and assignments

Technical Requirements: you will need a computer with Google Chrome and have access to the internet to access course materials and submit assignments

Schedule: January 17–February 14, 2022 (the week’s content, recordings and assignment will be added to Moodle each Monday)

Virtual Office Hours: Will be held online weekly and students are welcome to drop in to ask questions. Details will be updated soon.

Facilitator: Jane Affleck