Message from the Chair of the UPEI Board of Governors: Governance Review Update

The UPEI Board of Governors remains committed to improving governance and developing processes and practices that place the University on a sound footing as it continues to respond to and act on the University of Prince Edward Island Review.
On February 5, 2024, the Board announced that it had engaged Cheryl Foy (LLB), President, Strategic Governance Consulting Services Ltd. to conduct an external review of board governance at UPEI. I am pleased to provide the following update on the progress of the governance review.
Over the past two months, University staff have been working to gather many documents in support of the review. Ms. Foy identified a list of interviewees and some members of the community requested to meet with her. Those interviews and meetings have now been completed. Thank you to those who participated.
The next step in the process will be to issue a survey to members of the UPEI Senate (who were not already interviewed) and to past Board members. The survey will be issued on April 22, 2024, and respondents will have three weeks to respond.
Challenges with scheduling means that the governance review project plan is somewhat delayed, but we still hope to receive the report by the end of June 2024 and plan to share it publicly after the Board has had an opportunity to consider the recommendations.
Shannon MacDonald, FCA, CPA, ICD.D
Chair, UPEI Board of Governors