Recruitment Policies and Processes
The University of Prince Edward Island, in fulfilling its objective of providing educational opportunities for students, recognizes the major role that faculty and staff play in the attainment of that objective; and, therefore, the University strives to attract, and retain, qualified and motivated employees to ensure the University operates in an efficient manner and provides a satisfying employment experience for faculty, staff, and students.
In recognition of the principle that individual merit should be the overriding criterion for appointments at the University of Prince Edward Island, it is the policy of the University that there should be no general prohibition, on the grounds of family relationship, against persons being employed within the University or in the same department. However, situations are to be avoided which could possibly involve, or lead to, a conflict of interest, or a perceived conflict of interest. The following are examples of conflicts of interest, but the listing is not intended to be all-inclusive: having direct supervisory responsibilities for, or taking part in, proceedings affecting the hiring, promotion, salary, or leave of the spouse or relative; or situations which could give rise to risk in sound internal financial control and accounting practices.
Applicable UPEI policies: