Tracking Our Progress

For the competition, a base week will be established against which the other weeks of the competition will be compared. This page will be updated to show the progress of each residence in the challenge. Stats will be updated weekly.

The data is showing the average reduction in energy usage since the challenge began. A negative number is a reduction in energy while a positive number is an increase.

The following are the unofficial Week 1 results for 2014:

2014 Residence Energy Challenge Results
Residence, School Reduction
Vanier Hall, St. Thomas -35.5%
Windsor Hall, Mount A -25.3%
Windsor Street, St. Thomas -24.1%
Bigelow & Bennet House, Mount A -15.8%
Birches, MSVU -14.2%
Chatham Hall, St. Thomas -13.5%
Edwards & Thornton House, Mount A -11.9%
Holy Cross, St. Thomas  -11.1%
Hunton House, Mount A  -10.8%
Andrew Hall, UPEI  -8.7%
Bishops Hall, St. F X  -7.8%
Harper Hall, Mount A  -7.9%
Bernardine Hall, UPEI  -7.5%
Campbell Hall, Mount A  -6.1%
Dennis House, Acadia  -5.7%
MacKinnon Hall, St. F X  -5.2%
Westwood, MSVU  -3.6%
RESB, St. F X  -3.2%
Power & Somers Hall, St. F X  -2.5%
O'Regan Hall, St. F X  -2.5%
Blanchard Hall, UPEI  -2.2%
Seminary House, Acadia  -2.1%
War Memorial House, Acadia  -1.5%
Cameron Hall, St. F X  -1.4%
Whitman House, Acadia  -1.4%
Assisi Hall, MSVU  -1.3%
Lane Hall A & B, St. F X  -0.7%
Chase Court, Acadia  -0.5%
Governors Hall, St. F X -0.4%
Christofor Hall/Eaton House, Acadia  -0.4%
Harrington Hall, St. Thomas  0.0%
Crowell Tower, Acadia  0.0%
MacIsaac Hall, St. F X  1.8%
Rigby Hall, St. Thomas 3.5%
Chipman House, Acadia  3.9%

These are preliminary results and do not include Dalhousie University. Full results will be posted next week.

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