UPEI’s Mawi’omi Centre hosting series of events in recognition of National Truth and Reconciliation Day

The Mawi’omi Indigenous Student Centre at UPEI is hosting a series of events leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation which is September 30, 2023.
“All of these events are put together to encourage relationship-building as a means of unveiling truth and walking toward reconciliation,” said Jasmine Pauzé, Mawi'omi Centre Coordinator. “When we understand and strengthen our relations, we better understand our own identity and our role in influencing change."
September 19: First Treat Tuesday of the Year
Hosted in the Mawi’omi Centre (515 Dalton Hall), this program is meant to introduce students, new staff and faculty to Elder Judy Clark, UPEI Elder in Residence. Beginning at 10:00 am and concluding at 12:00 pm, the centre will offer a smudge, snacks and a chance for people to ask Elder Judy questions and hear about what she has been up to this summer.
September 22: Straight Arrow Award Gathering
Straight Arrow was originally created in 1948 and is the first Indigenous superhero to lead a comic book series (55 issues) with ally, Packy McCloud. Straight Arrow and the team named after him, “The Straight Arrows”, received the 2021 PEI Island Literacy Award for (The Chosen: Straight Arrow—Ann without an “E”) featuring the daughter of Straight Arrow. Now in its third year, the awards continue to celebrate Indigenous and Ally leaders for National Truth and Reconciliation Day every September 30. There will be one award of $1000 given to an allied student and another $1000 given to an Indigenous student. This event will be held at the Mawi’omi Centre from 10:00–11:00 am.
September 22 and 23: Wabanaki-Wide Sewing Program
Every post-secondary institution in the Atlantic region (also known as the Wabanaki Confederacy) with an Indigenous centre will sew a ribbon skirt or shirt together. Joining in person or virtually, this program is meant to create a sense of nationhood while sharing important teachings about the ribbon skirt/shirt. The workshop will be hosted in Room 240 in Bernardine Hall and begins at 3:00 pm and concludes at 7:00 pm on both days. All are welcome to take part (UPEI community and greater PEI community). There will be light refreshments and an opportunity to connect with others. Two sewing machines will be available as will some material to make the skirts and shirts.
September 27 at 6:00 pm: Award-winning film "Bones of Crows" screening
Every post-secondary institution in the Atlantic region (also known as the Wabanaki Confederacy) with an Indigenous centre will screen the film "Bones of Crows" film and be given the opportunity to ask questions or reflect on the film collectively. The location for the screening is Room 242 in Don and Marion McDougall Hall. It will begin at 6:00 pm and conclude at 8:00 pm followed by some open audience reflection and refreshments.
September 29 at 12:00 pm: Truth and Reconciliation Day (TRC)
We will be gathering at the entrance of the SDU Main building to reflect, offer prayer, quiet reflections and listen to some guest speakers about the importance of TRC. There will be a small demonstration performed by those who attend. The event will conclude at 1:00 pm.
The Mawi’omi Indigenous Student Centre at UPEI welcomes anyone to ask questions, drop in, or participate at their leisure.
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, originally and still colloquially known as Orange Shirt Day, is a Canadian statutory holiday to recognize the legacy of the Canadian Indian residential school system.