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Public talk: What PEI businesses need to know about sea-level rise

| Research

UPEI's Climate Research Lab is hosting a series of public talks by globally respected oceanographer and expert on sea-level rise, John Englander. Englander will present information he believes businesses on Prince Edward Island need to know about the rising sea level.

Businesses should have the latest information about how sea level rise is going to impact their assets and supply chains in coastal zones and low-lying inland areas. Englander will share the surprising facts and will expose the myths about rising seas to provide a clear warning for businesses across PEI.

Englander will be making three presentations while on the Island:
• Thursday, July 30, 12-2 pm at The Haviland Club in Charlottetown (lunch will be provided)
• Thursday, July 30, 5-7 pm in room 242, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, UPEI
• Saturday, August 1, 11 am-12 pm in the Hebrides Clubhouse in Campbellton, PEI

Englander's broad marine science background, coupled with his degrees in geology and economics, allows him to see the big picture on climate and look ahead to the large-scale financial and societal impacts, particularly as they relate to sea-level rise. He brings the diverse points of view of an industry scientist, entrepreneur, and CEO.

His bestselling book, High Tide On Main Street: Rising Sea Level and the Coming Coastal Crisis, clearly explains the science behind sea-level rise, the impending devastating economic impacts, and the 'intelligent adaptation' that all businesses and coastal communities must consider today. Copies will be available.

Space is limited at each talk. To register, or for more information, contact UPEI's Climate Research Lab at


Dave Atkinson
Integrated Communications

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