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UPEI and Holland College give varsity sports passes to all P.E.I. school students

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Every elementary and secondary student on Prince Edward Island will have the opportunity to attend varsity sport games this year, courtesy of the University of Prince Edward Island’s Panther Sport and the Holland College Hurricanes.

UPEI and Holland College are giving complimentary season’s passes to their regular season home games to the approximately 20,000 students in the provincial school system. By opening up the games to all Island students from grades one to 12, the post-secondary institutions are building interest in sports and a healthy and active lifestyle among the upcoming generation of potential student athletes.

“UPEI is recognized as a provincial and regional leader in sports facilities, events, fitness, and health and wellness,” says Ron Annear, Director of Athletics at UPEI. “By reaching out to this audience, we are building pride for Islanders and alumni, while helping to develop the leaders of tomorrow.”

Albert Roche, Manager of Student Services and Athletics at Holland College, comments, “At Holland College we view this initiative as a tremendous community outreach program which communicates our values in fitness, wellness and family centered activities. We truly hope this will inspire our young Islanders to come out to watch varsity, meet some of our student athletes and ultimately see a future in post-secondary education here on PEI.”

Starting at Glen Stewart Elementary in Stratford today, student athletes from the Panther Sport and the Hurricanes’ teams will deliver passes to each school across the Island in the next two weeks.

The varsity pass is valid for UPEI Panther Sport programs, including men’s and women’s soccer, rugby, hockey and basketball; women’s volleyball; swimming; and field hockey. And for the Holland College Hurricanes, the pass covers men’s and women’s soccer, golf, rugby, volleyball, basketball, badminton, cross-country running and women’s hockey.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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