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Jazz Ensemble Concert

Event Date:
Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 7:30 pm
Steel Building
Dr. Steel Recital Hall
The UPEI Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of David Shephard, will present its end of semester concert on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:30 pm in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI. The program will feature arrangements of “St Louis Blues,” “Little Sunflower,” and “Mambo Hot.” Featured soloists will include: Robyn Verhoeven (trumpet), Kailey Norris (tenor saxophone), and Evan Hammell and Dan MacDonald on trombone. Nik Dragatakis, a fourth-year jazz guitar student will be the soloist on Pat Metheny’s jazz ballad “Always and Forever.” The Jazz Ensemble is excited to once again be joined on stage by voice students from the UPEI Music Department. Melissa MacKenzie will be featured on “At Last” made famous by Etta James. Rebecca Apps will perform “Skyfall” from the James Bond movie, and Nadine Haddad will join the band on the R&B classic “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” Tickets ($10 adults/$5 students) are available at the door or by contacting the UPEI Music Department at (902) 566-0507 or