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Introduction to Shiny: a web application framework for R

Posting Date(s)
Drs. Derek Price and Raphael Vanderstichel will give a short presentation with a live demo on a freely available and easy to use web application framework for R (statistical language), on Wednesday February 4, 10:30-11:15 am in AVC - 280N (glass common room). If you have data you want to share with others, you can easily make simple interactive graphs and maps for users to explore online. Some very basic knowledge of R is required to run the application, but even if you are not comfortable with R, this application makes it accessible. You'll be producing interactive graphs/maps online in no time! Everyone is invited to join us first for coffee and treats (hosted by the Centre for Veterinary Epidemiolgical Research - CVER) starting at 10:00 in room 343N.