Scholarship Information

Bevan and MacRae Bursary
Maximum Amount: $500.00
Faculty: Arts
Current 3rd Year
Process: Recommendation from the Department of Music
Scholarship Type: Award
Description: Awarded to a student in the third year of the Music program who best demonstrates interest and ability in the areas of choral conducting and/or accompaniment.
Background: The Bevan MacRae Bursary was established by the Confederation Choir in recognition of dedication and service by both Gwilym Bevan and Mrs. Helen MacRae. Mr. Bevan was Director of Music and Mrs. MacRae was the accompanist. It was felt that the bursary given to a deserving student in Music would enhance the continuance of excellence in music. Choir members wanted to show their appreciation and established the bursary through their own gifts and by encouraging members of the community to support the fund.
Scholarships and Awards

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